Hello World 5 Don’ts Before Hitting Send on Your Email Marketing Campaign
  • 5 Don’ts Before Hitting Send on Your Email Marketing Campaign

5 Don’ts Before Hitting Send on Your Email Marketing Campaign

2023-11-20T01:17:05-08:00Email Marketing|

A successful email marketing campaign can be crucial to the success of your business.

A successful email marketing campaign can be crucial to the success of your business. It keeps you relevant and in front of your customers so that they come back and make more purchases. Email marketing can target people who want to work with you, who have already expressed that critical interest in the things that you offer. However, mistakes can sink the whole thing, so keep these five “don’ts” in mind before you hit send. As you read through these five tips you may also want to check out our free downloadable guide Get Started with Email Marketing – 10 Ideas That Work.

1. Do not send messages to people who have not given you permission to contact them. You want to do email marketing, not to send spam. Make sure that everyone on your contact list has given permission to put them on that list before sending the first email.

2. Do not rush through it. Take your time. Be sure to review the content of the email carefully and send yourself a preview to be sure all links are working properly. A rushed email is going to look rushed and unprofessional.

3. Do not assume that these people are waiting to hear from you. You can’t assume that they already care. It is up to you to hook them and to make them care. Assuming they already do means that your messages will not be compelling enough.

4. Do not forget that the relationship is important. You don’t just want to blast people with information; you want to start a relationship with them so that you can draw them in and eventually make a sale. On average it takes about 7 touches before an actual sale will occur so build credibility and be consistent.

5. Do not be pushy. Your marketing campaign should not be about pushing someone into a sale. It should be about giving them valuable information and letting them make a decision. What do you think? Have you struggled with any of these don’ts? Do you have other don’ts to add to the list? If so, please leave your thoughts and comments below!


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About the Author:

Jared S. Smith
Jared S. Smith ‐the Co‐founder and Chief Executive Officer for Talent Evolution. He brings several years of experience in providing social media marketing solutions to clients in a variety of industries. He is passionate about marketing and helping small business owners make sense of the new world of online marketing. Jared provides expertise in all aspects of online marketing.

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