• Social Media is Serious Business for Leading Companies

Social Media is Serious Business for Leading Companies

2019-07-30T15:55:34-07:00Social Media Marketing|

Search Engine Watch article: Just a few years ago, social media was something the kids were doing; a trend or fad that wasn’t going to last long. As social media networks have come and gone, a few have risen to the top and are now often incorporated into the advertising, PR, and customer service departments in leading companies, according to a new report.

Campaigns to Capabilities: Social Media and Marketing 2011, from Booz & Company and Buddy Media, shows that Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are now considered cornerstones of most social media strategies in larger companies. Ninety-four percent of respondents said Facebook is one of their top three social media platform priorities. Twitter was second with 77 percent, and YouTube trailed with 42 percent, though this is sure to rise as online and mobile video continues to grow in popularity and importance.

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About the Author:

John Walker, Co-founder of Talent Evolution and Chief Solutions Officer, has more than 20 years of online marketing expertise in social media, mobile, video and viral campaigns. He has a strong background in digital capabilities including Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC).

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