• Top 5 Ways to Market Your Business in 2015!

Top 5 Ways to Market Your Business in 2015!

2023-11-20T01:12:14-08:00Digital Strategy|

2015 will be upon us before we know it, so it’s time to start thinking of ways to market your business next year. Consider the following top five ways to market your business in 2015.

  • – Mobile Marketing – Your customers are mobile and that means you must be as well. If not, you might as well hand your competition the customers you already have. You have to be mobile-first focused when it comes to grabbing the attention of a potential customer.
  • – Content Marketing – Content Is Still King! You’ve heard that for so long, you probably wonder if it’s true. Interesting, engaging content is still one of the top three reasons why people connect with a brand.  Start simple and start blogging today.  Blog articles can significantly enhance your SEO and introduce you to a whole new audience.
  • – Social Media – Social media is to the point where it’s a requirement for any successful marketing plan. However, it’s more about engaging customers than filling up newsfeeds with your message. In order to immediately see an increase in the results of your social media marketing, you have to make the reader-user part of your story.
  • – Improve Your Website – A fresh look for your website can be one of the fastest ways to increase traffic and enhance your brand.  Be sure it’s user-friendly and engages customers at the earliest possible time.   A mobile friendly or responsive website is a must with an estimated 50% of your website visitors accessing your site from mobile device.
  • – Email Marketing – Email Marketing is not dead and in fact, it’s about to make a big comeback in 2015.  Stay in engaged with your existing and prospective customers through consistent and targeted email communications.

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About the Author:

Jared S. Smith ‐the Co‐founder and Chief Executive Officer for Talent Evolution. He brings several years of experience in providing social media marketing solutions to clients in a variety of industries. He is passionate about marketing and helping small business owners make sense of the new world of online marketing. Jared provides expertise in all aspects of online marketing.

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