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  • 5 Key Elements To Consider For A Successful Website Design

5 Key Elements to Consider for a Successful Website Design

2024-04-12T20:56:13-07:00Website Design & Development|

Successful website design impacts your company’s bottom line

Having a website is essential for today’s business and companies need to think more strategically in order to maximize ROI from website design. With 59% of people giving more attention to a good website design over something that’s plain and simple, it’s clear that you can’t simply have an online version of your company brochure. Successful website design will ultimately impact your bottom line. If you’re seeking profits, here are ways investing in good website design can be an asset to your business.

First impressions matter

People will judge your business within seconds. You want your website to make a great first impression. We’ve all seen them while surfing the Internet: websites that “look so 1990s.” If your website looks that dated or unappealing, users will immediately believe the same is true about your company as well. Good web design not only gives you a 21st Century look, it presents a 21st Century impression about how you do business.

Brand uniformity

Your website is a major component of your brand. Good website design is essential for setting you apart from the competition. More than colors that showcase a uniform look, good website design conveys other elements of your brand. For example: 

  • Is your company engaging?
  • Are you quick to reply to customers?
  • Does your brand communicate well?

If you want customers to find your brand welcoming, you need to design a site that is welcoming. If you want customers to feel comfortable, provide a website that they will feel comfortable using. Integrating elements into the website design provides a consistent and accurate message that reflects positively on your business as a whole.

Improved SEO

Successful website design isn’t just about looking pretty. Design elements that improve aesthetics impact Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by making it easier for search engines and users alike to navigate your site. Keywords incorporated into content do play an important role, but when users (and search engines) can find these keywords, it makes your website SEO-friendly. Incorporating intuitive navigation with a well-labeled menu and search bar keeps users on your site and will make visitors come back for more.

Keep visitors you attract

Speed matters to Internet users. Research shows 47% of consumers expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less and 40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. In a matter of seconds, you could lose a customer that found your website. For businesses with an e-commerce site, you never know how much one single customer may have purchased online. Why risk even one sale with a site that’s badly designed and takes forever to load? 

Engage and set your business apart

Your company website is a great place to showcase whatever makes your business unique. It’s where you can show your target audience why they should choose your brand over the competition. Engage visitors with exceptional website design to delight their eyes, but also consider adding elements that provide opportunities for interaction, such as blogs, chatbots, or feedback buttons. Remember that it is important to be mindful of what your target audience expects from your brand so you can be most relevant to them with elements that will meet their needs. 


Ready to design?

What impression does your company website make with the average user? Is it accommodating to more than 65% of users who access the Internet via mobile? Is it slow to load? Does it engage the viewer?

If you need some help to improve your website design, give T.E. Digital a call. Our team can assist by giving your company’s site the look it needs to stay true to your brand while generating traffic and positively impacting your bottom line. 

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About the Author:

John Walker, Co-founder of Talent Evolution and Chief Solutions Officer, has more than 20 years of online marketing expertise in social media, mobile, video and viral campaigns. He has a strong background in digital capabilities including Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC).

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