• 5 Youtube Marketing Tips Get More Eyes On Your Brand

5 YouTube Marketing Tips Get More Eyes on Your Brand

2022-06-28T20:16:16-07:00Video Marketing|

 Improve Your Video Marketing Strategy

If you mapped out a video marketing strategy before January 2022, pump the brakes before moving forward. YouTube adjusted its algorithm, and these changes directly impact your videos. (YouTube says “algorithm” is a misnomer because they have many systems that do many things. But changes did occur.)

To keep viewers on the platform as long as possible, YouTube now wants creators to focus less on analytics and more on producing engaging videos for target audiences. Here are 5 tips to follow to help you grow viewership.

  1.     Update Home page
  2.     Get found in search
  3.     Thumbnails are essential
  4.     Remember the diversity of your audience
  5.     Conduct competitor analysis

1. Update Home page

Viewers that go to your YouTube channel will land on your Home page. The ranking for Home is now based on performance and personalization. Check your YouTube Analytics Traffic Sources to see how often your channel appears on others’ Home pages. Optimize your videos by creating content similar to topics your viewers have already enjoyed. As you move forward, consistently post (same days/same times) to establish expectations from your viewers.

2. Get found in search

One of the impacts of the change this year is in the YouTube search results. Remember, that YouTube is a Google platform. Thus, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is critical. To get ranked higher and be found by viewers, be relevant to your audience. Note how well keywords of the video content match the title and description. Making engaging videos is vital. Videos that show up in the search results are those that have driven the most watch time as they relate to the search query.

3. Thumbnails are essential

Thumbnails are the first thing to catch the eye of the viewer. Be sure to create something recognizable and unique. You want to have a thumbnail attractive enough to grab attention and then also to provoke the viewer to take the next step to click and watch. Having a good thumbnail is so essential because audience decisions are made in seconds

4. Remember the diversity of your audience

YouTube reaches billions of viewers across the globe. To expand your reach,  use the tools and features YouTube provides to include closed captioning and subtitling. In addition to being helpful to your viewers, the keywords captured in the transcript are important to the SEO of the video

5. Conduct competitor analysis

YouTube now focuses more on performance: viewers’ interest in watching, how long they watch, and overall satisfaction of what they see. One of the best ways to find success on YouTube is to see what the competition is doing. Learn the good and bad from their YouTube marketing strategies. Look at what they are doing right and also notice mistakes they are making. Take note of viewer comments under videos and the number of subscribers they have. You can craft better videos when you pull from the knowledge you gain during analysis.

Get more eyes on your brand

Ready to get cameras rolling? Here’s more detailed information on the history of YouTube’s changes. Find more information on adding video to your overall marketing strategy and helpful steps for producing video. 

Need additional assistance with videos or other marketing efforts? Contact a member of our team who will be happy to help you ASAP. And because there are always new ways to approach marketing to reach your target audience, be sure to sign up for the T.E. Digital newsletter and stay on top of the latest trends. 


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About the Author:

John Walker, Co-founder of Talent Evolution and Chief Solutions Officer, has more than 20 years of online marketing expertise in social media, mobile, video and viral campaigns. He has a strong background in digital capabilities including Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC).

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