
5 Ways to Promote Your Next Event on Social Media

Social media has become one of the major ways of promoting businesses, products, services, and, increasingly, events. Every year the calendar is chock full of special events, and it’s easy for yours to get lost in the crush. Effective use of social media can play a big role in making sure your event is a smash. Here are five helpful tips on using social media to promote your next event.

1. Start early. Since there’s so much competition, set your date, get your basic event plan together, and start promoting it early. You can begin with little teasers, and build to more exciting and informative promotions.

2. Hashtags. A specialized hashtag for your event will increase social media buzz and increase anticipation. Keep your twitter hashtag short, relevant, and unique. And once you’ve got it, use it!

3. Facebook. Create a Facebook page for your event. This is an easy way for interested people to learn about your event, indicate if they are planning on attending, post comments or questions, and invite and encourage their friends to also attend.

4. Offer free admission or other freebies. You can build buzz for your event by offering free admission, or, if it’s already a free event, offering merchandise or other giveaways. If you make your giveaway part of a contest, you can increase interest even more by recruiting local “celebrities” to be judges. Or, you can offer door prizes or drawings.

5. Network and follow back. Reach out to friends, associates, Facebook followers and other potential supporters, and ask them to help promote your event on social media by reposting your announcements and updates. But also recognize them, and offer to help them with promoting their future events.

BONUS TIP: KEEP IT FUN! Create fun and colorful graphics, keep your posts short, light and engaging!

2023-11-20T01:04:45-08:00Social Media Marketing|

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About the Author:

Jared S. Smith ‐the Co‐founder and Chief Executive Officer for Talent Evolution. He brings several years of experience in providing social media marketing solutions to clients in a variety of industries. He is passionate about marketing and helping small business owners make sense of the new world of online marketing. Jared provides expertise in all aspects of online marketing.

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