Hello World How to Successfully Rebrand Your Business with a Logo Redesign
  • 5 Reasons To Update Your Logo

How to Successfully Rebrand Your Business with a Logo Redesign


Rebrand Your Look to Reflect Your Business

A logo plays an important role in your company brand. Consider it the “face” of your business because it’s likely one of the first things associated with your company that people will get to know. A logo should visually express your purpose and quickly convey quality service.

Any good business evolves over time. If your logo has not changed in a while (or ever), it’s a good idea to consider an update to showcase today’s offerings and identity.

Here are 6 reasons to update your logo:

  1. It looks dated
  2. Your audience has changed
  3. It doesn’t work on social platforms
  4. Your business has changed
  5. The competition has changed

1. It looks dated

Let’s state the most obvious thing first because it’s a given that design norms change over time. If the color(s) or font you have in your current logo looks like it was created long ago, then you need to adapt to today’s design norms to stay relevant. Refresh it so your customers know what you are offering is not outdated.

2. Your audience has changed

COVID-19 impacted businesses in a number of ways. Perhaps the customers you had prior to 2020 are no longer the ones you serve, and you find yourself needing to reach a new audience. Connect with them with a new look and a logo they will respond to.

3. It doesn’t work on social platforms

People spend on average 2.5 hours on social media a day and nearly half (54%) of those who browse use social media to research products. It’s important that your logo works well and is recognizable on social media channels. This is especially important for any logo that includes small print or fine details; it needs to be simplified and easily recognizable on social media.

4. Your business has changed

Perhaps your business has grown and added new products and services or expanded or shifted focus. Maybe after years of a brick-and-mortar presence, you’ve moved some or all of your business online. If you’ve changed what you do or where you do it, dust off your logo to reflect what’s happening today.

5. The competition has changed

It’s not always necessary to change just because the competition makes a change, but when you see that competitors are refreshing their logos and you are not, it’s worth a pause. Remember that consumers are seeing others refresh their look and they will compare your company to what they see in the marketplace. If you stay the same, you will appear out of touch with today’s customers.

Ready for a rebrand?

Are you ready for a rebrand? Take a moment and give your company logo a good look. If you’re thinking that maybe it’s time for a rebrand, even if you’re not sure what to do or how to update it, give us a call. The T.E. Digital team knows the importance of branding cannot be overstated and your logo is a big part of your brand. Let’s have a conversation about how long you’ve used your logo and what might work better for your business today.

[optin-monster-inline slug=”qetuaojxq4pfh45ozljj”]

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About the Author:

Jared S. Smith
Jared S. Smith ‐the Co‐founder and Chief Executive Officer for Talent Evolution. He brings several years of experience in providing social media marketing solutions to clients in a variety of industries. He is passionate about marketing and helping small business owners make sense of the new world of online marketing. Jared provides expertise in all aspects of online marketing.

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